Four Resources to Help Determine Product Suitability

A wall-length, pocketing multi-slide door completely open to connect a great room with the patio.

Building code changes. Energy ratings changes. Product changes. The world of construction is constantly in flux. One of the key responsibilities of a dealer is to navigate these changes to determine product suitability on a per-job basis. So don’t take your chances on verbal feedback, outdated hard copies, or on the assumption that what was once passable yesterday holds true today. Successfully navigating change means staying on top of the most current information. And although Western Window Systems does not make product suitability claims, we can recommend a few resources that may be of help.

The first two links below feature performance documents that include test reports from independent testing laboratories. These laboratories list the performance attributes of specific types and sizes of our door systems and windows. Tests such as air leakage and water penetration resistance, structural load, and deflection performance are typically included. Other resources include information on California’s Title 24 and a place to check the current status of your state’s energy code.


For further information, email our testing engineer team at [email protected], or contact your Western Window Systems representative.

A uniquely shaped home with numerous sliding glass doors.

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