What is Title 24?

Title 24, part 6, of the California Code of Regulations, addresses energy efficiency in residential and non-residential buildings. Created in 1978 by the California Building Standards Commission, the purpose of Title 24, also known as the California Energy Code, is to reduce California’s energy consumption.

Because energy efficiency reduces energy costs to homeowners and impacts on the environment, building standards are an important part of California’s future. Before a city or county in California will grant a building permit, the newest energy code requires the submission of a Title 24 energy report (also called Title 24 energy calculations) to verify that the design of a building is in compliance with Title 24.

The good news is that California’s Title 24 goal of reducing home energy consumption can be achieved without sacrificing a home’s design or settling for undesired products. And for architects, dealers, and homeowners in California who insist on the proven performance and clean aesthetic of products from Western Window Systems, the solution is two words: Performance Method.

The Performance Method Advantage

There are two methods of compliance for Title 24: Prescriptive and Performance. Both reports require information pertaining to the energy efficiency and construction of the home, but the Performance Method offers several distinct advantages.

A chart comparing the prescriptive and performance methods.

The Prescriptive Method

The Prescriptive Method may be the simplest approach to Title 24 compliance, but it’s also the least flexible and requires each individual component to meet the prescribed minimum energy requirement. This may result in sacrifices to architectural design, over-insulating or installing potentially expensive energy upgrades, and higher construction costs.

The Performance Method

The Performance Method requires more effort to achieve compliance but provides the greatest amount of flexibility, is the most accurate, and may save considerably on construction costs. The minimum level of energy efficiency necessary for compliance is calculated through a specialized state-approved software program using a detailed account of the building. The flexibility of the Performance Method allows for more trade-offs, imposes fewer limits on glass, and is recommended for new homes or large additions.

Three Easy Steps for Compliance

1. Find out the compliance method being used on the project. Most new homes, custom homes, and large additions will utilize the Performance Method.

2. Quote the project using Western Window Systems products and work with an energy consultant in your area. Costs will vary depending upon the square footage. We recommend:

Southern California:

Heritage Energy Group Energy Calc Company
Rudy Sains, 949-789-7221, [email protected]
Chuck Clemons, 415.457.0990, [email protected]

3. Contact the Western Window Systems representative in your area for more information or help on the Title 24 process.

To learn more about the new Title 24 energy code, visit the California Energy Commission website at energy.ca.gov.