Western Window Systems Expands Sizes, Options for the Series 3700 Vinyl Multi-Slide Door

A 2D CAD drawing showing off a configuration of the new 3700 size expansion.

[Phoenix] – November 3, 2020 – Today, Western Window Systems, part of the PGT Innovations (NYSE: PGTI) family of brands, announced new configurations and sizes for its Series 3700 Vinyl Multi-Slide Door, a contemporary multi-panel glass door system that integrates innovations in rolling performance with enhancements to the installation process.

Western Window Systems’ Series 3700 Vinyl Multi-Slide Door now includes additional sizing options for 3- and 4-panel configurations and is available at standardized door heights. The new 3X and 4X door panel configurations allow the doors to open in either direction, allowing for a smoother ordering and installation process for dealers and builders and more options for furniture placement for home buyers.

For builders looking to appeal to Millennial homebuyers who want modest-size homes with indoor-outdoor living, Western Window Systems’ Series 3700 Vinyl Multi-Slide Door is now available at a 6’8” height to better accommodate lower ceiling heights.

“Eight-foot-tall doors may not work in homes that have 8- or 9-foot ceiling heights,” said Chet Willis, vice president of production builder sales. “Outdoor living is still important to the Millennial buyer, but without a 6’8” multi-slide door option, the builder has nothing to offer them. With these new options for our vinyl multi-slide, we’ve bridged the gap between affordability and the desire for outdoor living, even in a modest home.” The Series 3700 Vinyl Multi-Slide Door is available through Western Window Systems’ Volume Program channel. For additional information, visit https://vp.westernwindowsystems.com/.